Malawi for protecting country’s tobacco integrity

The Malawi tobacco industry today adopted the Agricultural Labour Practices (ALP) Code, described as critical in protecting the integrity of the country’s tobacco.

Aimed at promoting good practices in tobacco production, the Code is expected to standardize the handling of labour practices in tobacco production in Malawi.

Speaking at an adoption seminar in Lilongwe, Tobacco Commission Director of Technical Services George Chinkhandwe argued that in view of global developments affecting the industry, there was need for Malawi to preserve the integrity of her tobacco through compliance with international standards.

“We should remain vigilant in safeguarding the integrity of our tobacco by, among other things, promoting the protection of workers’ rights and by eliminating child labour,” Chinkhandwe said.

The development of the Code is one of the fruits of a memorandum of understanding between the Tobacco Commission and Geneva-based Elimination of Child Labour in Tobacco (ECLT) Foundation.

Joining the seminar virtually from Geneva, ECLT Head of Programmes Ms. Natalia Prongue called for united effort in implementing the Code.

Ms. Prongue also pledged ECLT’s continued support towards the promotion of good agricultural labour practices in tobacco in Malawi.

The Code was developed by the ALP Working Group in consultation with relevant Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies and tobacco industry stakeholders, with the Tobacco Commission serving as the coordinator of the process.

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