Third round of crop estimates survey results released

Third round of crop estimates survey results released

The third round of tobacco estimates survey conducted in June this year has revealed a 7% increase from last year’s tobacco production. A report released by the Tobacco Commission on 17th July shows that this year, Malawi has 129 million kilogrammes of tobacco. In...

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Statement on the confiscation of bales of nested tobacco

Statement on the confiscation of bales of nested tobacco

The Tobacco Commission would like to address concerns about the confiscation of nested tobacco in the 2024 selling season. The Tobacco Industry Act (2024) defines nesting as ‘(a) the concealment of substandard tobacco within a bale; or (b)the concealment of stems,...

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2024 tobacco selling season closes early August

2024 tobacco selling season closes early August

The sales committee of the tobacco industry in Malawi has proposed that the 2024 tobacco selling season close early August. At its meeting on July 9, the committee comprising various industry players agreed to have Chinkhoma floors close on July 12, Lilongwe and Limbe...

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64% of projected tobacco volume sold

64% of projected tobacco volume sold

By the end of week 9 of the current selling season, up to 64.2% of the projected 140 million kilogrammes of tobacco for the 2023/2024 season had been sold. By Friday, June 14, volumes of tobacco sold hit 89,858,250 kilogrammes which generated $258,200,437. The crop...

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Second survey on tobacco production rolls out

Second survey on tobacco production rolls out

The second round of a nation-wide tobacco estimates survey for the 2023/2024 farming season rolled out on Monday, February 26, three weeks after the first round which showed a 21% increase in 2024 tobacco production as compared to that of 2023. Stakeholders will look...

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Survey projects 21% increase in tobacco production

Survey projects 21% increase in tobacco production

A report of the first round of crop estimates survey for the 2023/2024 farming season has projected a 21% increase in 2024 tobacco production from that in 2023. The report projects a production of 146 million kilogrammes of the leaf in 2024. In 2023, 120 million...

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Industry winds up 2024 first round of crop estimates survey

Industry winds up 2024 first round of crop estimates survey

The first round of the 2023/2024 crop estimates survey that kicked off January 15 was wound up on Friday, February 2. The exercise involved enumerators from the tobacco industry in Malawi collecting data from various tobacco growing areas in the country for three...

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Industry winds up 2024 first round of crop estimates survey

Survey reveals increased planned tobacco production

Tobacco Commission Chief Executive Officer Dr Joseph Chidanti-Malunga says the regulator is hopeful for increased tobacco production in the 2023/2024 farming season. He expressed the sentiments in reaction to results of a November 2023 country-wide nursery assessment...

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