We offer a range of services. Here are some of them:
Registration and Licensing
We register and license all players that are involved in the tobacco value chain in Malawi. These are growers, hessian scheme operators, graders, transporters, buyers and floor operators.

Contract Vetting
We review contracts that buying companies and tobacco growers enter into…

We promote Malawi tobacco on the international stage. Among others, we achieve…

The Tobacco Commission (TC) was created by Government with the mandate to regulate the production and marketing of tobacco in Malawi as set out in the Tobacco Industry Act No.10 of 2019.
As a statutory corporate body, the Commission subscribes to the principles of good corporate governance, openness, integrity and accountability, which are fundamental foundations on which effective organizations are built. The Commission falls under the Ministry of Agriculture. The Commission is driven by a Board of Commissioners which provides guidance on policy matters, and a Management team that runs the day-today affairs of the institution. Management is led by the Chief Executive Officer.
Our Stakeholders
Commission calls on traditional leaders to arrest child labour
The Tobacco Commission has called on traditional leaders in the country to use their authority to stop child labour in...
Industry out to survey tobacco fields
The first round of crop estimates survey for the 2024/2025 tobacco farming season rolled out on Monday, with data...
Commission whips errant growers
The Tobacco Commission has imposed on the owners of nested tobacco bales confiscated in the 2023/2024 selling season a...