About Us
Who We Are
The Tobacco Commission (TC) was created by Government with the mandate to regulate the production and marketing of tobacco in Malawi as set out in the Tobacco Industry Act, 2024.
As a statutory corporate body, the Commission subscribes to the principles of good corporate governance, openness, integrity and accountability, which are fundamental foundations on which effective organizations are built. The Commission falls under the Ministry of Agriculture.
The Commission is driven by a Board of Commissioners which provides guidance on policy matters, and a Management team that runs the day-today affairs of the institution. Management is led by the Chief Executive Officer.

Our vision is ‘Sustainable tobacco production and marketing’.
Our mission is ‘to provide regulatory services to promote tobacco production and marketing systems in a transparent and environmentally friendly manner using modern technologies’.
To achieve our mission and vision, we are guided by the following core values:

Stakeholder Focus
We shall, at all times, dedicate ourselves to execute our work focusing on the tobacco industry stakeholders’ mutual benefits and satisfaction.

Environmental Consciousness
We shall, at all times, conduct business in an environmentally friendly manner.

Teamwork shall always form the backbone of our services.

We shall professionally execute our mandate in an open and accountable manner.

We shall always comply with domestic and international labour standards.

The following are our goals;
1. Strengthened regulatory framework
Enhanced tobacco production and marketing integrity
2. Improved financial sustainability
3. Improved stakeholder understanding of TC mandate and roles
4. Strengthened institutional capacity
Our key functions as outlined in the Tobacco Industry Act of 2019 and policy directives of the Malawi Government are to:
1. Regulate the production, grading, processing, importation, exportation and marketing of tobacco;
2. Promote crop diversification and good agricultural practices in tobacco production;
3. Collate statistics and distribute market studies and information relating to the production, marketing, manufacturing and consumption of tobacco;
4. Promote a conducive environment in the tobacco industry so as to allow effective and fair competition for all stakeholders;
5. Regulate and enforce quality standards of tobacco;
6. Advise Government on policies and strategies to promote and develop the tobacco industry;
7. Administer any fund established pursuant to this Act, and
8. Perform such functions as required under the Act or any other written law.