Second survey on tobacco production rolls out

The second round of a nation-wide tobacco estimates survey for the 2023/2024 farming season rolled out on Monday, February 26, three weeks after the first round which showed a 21% increase in 2024 tobacco production as compared to that of 2023.

Stakeholders will look forward to results of the second round with great interest amidst concerns about dry spells in some parts of the country.

The second round of the crop estimates survey is scheduled to be completed on March 15.

A report of the first round of the crop estimates survey showed the country’s fields had 146 million kilogrammes of tobacco, up from 120 million kilogrammes of tobacco realised in 2023.

The report attributed the projected improved production to increased hectarage due to good prices offered in 2023, increased number of growers, increased sponsorship and availability of inputs.

Commenting on the results of the first round, Tobacco Commission Chief Executive Officer Dr Joseph Chidanti-Malunga said the regulator was hopeful for a better season this year.

“We look forward to a more exciting season than was the case last year. It is our hope that the recently experienced dry spell in some areas will not have a significant impact on tobacco production this year,” said Dr Chidanti-Malunga.

Tobacco estimate surveys in Malawi are conducted by industry players and are coordinated by the Tobacco Commission.


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