First round of crop estimates survey rolls out

A tobacco field in central Malawi in 2022

The first round of crop estimates survey for the 2021/2022 farming season rolled out yesterday, February 6, with teams of enumerators expected to collect data up to the 25th of the month.

The teams were deployed to different tobacco growing areas in the country on Sunday.

Led by the Tobacco Commission, data collection in the survey is being undertaken by enumerators from various institutions in the tobacco industry in Malawi.

Crop estimates surveys are an annual exercise that provides information that the tobacco industry and the Malawi Government use for planning purposes. Among others, the results of the surveys contribute to annual forex earnings projections for the country.

In the 2020/2021 farming season, the industry was impressed with the accuracy of the crop estimates survey which projected the country would produce 124 million kilograms of tobacco. A little more than 123 million kilograms was sold at the floors.

In 2022, a second round of crop estimates survey is expected at the end of March.

The results of the survey will be announced by the Government.

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