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The Commission is driven by a Board of Commissioners which provides guidance on policy matters. The Board comprises the following:

             Dr Godfrey Chapola - Board Chairperson

Dr Godfrey Chapola - Board Chairperson

Ms. Miriam Jekapu - Vice Board Chairperson

Mr. Gift Chimowa - Chairperson of the Technical Committee

Mr. Gift Chimowa - Chairperson of the Technical Committee

Mr. Lowry Mbulo - Chairperson of the Finance, Audit and Appointments Committee

Mr. Lowry Mbulo - Chairperson of the Finance, Audit and Appointments Committee

T/A Yudaf Chidzuma

T/A Yudaf Chidzuma


Our Executive Management comprises the following:

Chief Executive Officer

Mr George Chinkhandwe

Mr George Chinkhandwe

Director of Technical Services

Mr Evans Chilumpha

Mr Evans Chilumpha

Acting Chief Executive Officer/ Director of Human Resources & Administration

Ms Chimwemwe Tembo

Ms Chimwemwe Tembo

Acting Director of Finance

Brief History Of Tobacco Farming In Malawi

Tobacco was introduced in Malawi (then Nyasaland) in 1889 by David Buchanan. The first export was made in 1893 where tobacco weighing 40 pounds was sold at an auction in London. Six years later, 2,240 pounds of tobacco was exported. Notable growers then were Messrs Hynde and Stark among others (1899).

From 1906 to 1925, the industry expanded rapidly with the coming in of A.F Barron, Wallace and later Conforzi. The first two bought their respective estates in Zomba and later expanded their operations to the central region where they established farms at Mbabvi and Lingadzi. Here, they experimented with the tenancy system that helped to expand tobacco farming among natives.


The rapid expansion led to over production and deteriorating quality of the leaf. Authorities and all stakeholders saw the need to establish laws to govern and regulate the industry. Discussions on the same started in 1924 and the first new law called Tobacco Ordinance was enacted in 1926.

The tobacco crisis of 1930s that saw overproduction of the crop and a sharp drop in prices prompted authorities to form the Tobacco Marketing Ordinance (1937) that succeeded the Tobacco Ordinance. Later, in 1938, the Tobacco Control Board was formed and was followed by Auction Nyasaland Limited.